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Activist Meeting, Nov 8 1994

A BCS-developed plug-and-play Web server, complete with BCS generated documentation and HOWTO papers. Rich could sell these, with a BCS label on them.

Peer group relations: contact maddog (hall@zk3.dec.com) about his Southern NH Linux group (sent email 11/11)

Publicity in the Boston Globe, BCS Journal/TAW/PC Report, ne.org.bcs, comp.os.linux.announce, bblisa@cs.umb.edu, links in other groups' Web servers, etc

Revenue ideas: trade shows, New Member checkoffs, PD software sales, seminars

Peer groups:

Create a "Speakers" page, hanging off Linux Group page (begun)

Ask Pat Ryan or Wil Stackman about meeting space in Cambridge Dept of Transportation Building in kendall Square. Ask Elaine about Prospect Hill.

A/IX User Group - contact them; they used to use a room in Copley Place, just above the theatre.

IBM offices, maybe use auditorium, borrow equipment for meetings?

HP in Waltham; Mitre, Route 3 in Burlington

Meeting Outreach

Publicity, general; Image



Peer Groups

Q&A, Demo setup

Focus: generic unix vs linux?

Financial plan

Literature and publications

Writing an "excellent" Web page (in progress)


"I'm here because I like to see what other people do with __________."

"We're here to increase the credibility of Unix and Linux as a business and hobbyist tool."

"Unix will help me get more money, more sex, generally more success." :-)

Volunteer Tasks

We'll need to create a structure to generate and announce ideas for volunteer tasks, and to recruit new volunteers to take on these tasks

Meeting Structure

6:30 to 7:00
Beginner Q&A
7:00 to 7:30 (can run shorter, don't run longer)
Welcome and Introduction
Promote BCS and the group
7:30 to 8:30(may start earlier)
Start presentation
8:30 and on
General Q&A
Door Prize drawing, if we have a door prize

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